Saturday, 10 September 2011

The German Filofax website

So, it was like any other Wednesday night, or so I thought. Just sat watching tv and having a cheeky peek at twitter to see what was happening. Then there it was.....

Check out this offer....
Filofax Germany

It was a link to the German Filofax website who were celebrating Filofax 90th birthday by Selling certain Filofaxes at €9 for 9 days only.
I was dubious as to whether this could be true, but come on, this came from Philofaxy so it must be true.
I went to have a look and was greeted by something like this.

Now this should be interesting, I thought. While all of the pictures were just as fantastic as the UK website, the writing was all in German.
I came off the website. "I don't need any" I said to myself, and carried on browsing through twitter. After chatting to various people, I went and had another look. Thoughts were going through my head along the lines of "what if the UK website don't do such an amazing offer as this".
So I browsed, thinking that there were two presents I could buy for Christmas. I saw the first present immediately. I can't go into too much detail about it in case the recipient reads this. I was unsure about the second present, but then saw a Rose A5 Finchley. That would be perfect for uni notes. It was then decided. I clicked on both to add to basket. "if they accept paypal, this should be a doddle" I thought.

It wasn't.
It was still in German. And I don't speak German. But instead of thinking logically that it would be the same as the UK website, I went into a blind panic thinking someone else might purchase my beloved finchley before I dawdled to the paypal section.
My problems.
1. I have no patience.
2. I didn't know what the Germans called the UK.
3. It wouldn't accept my postcode. (turned out that you just had to put 0 in the box and incorporate your postcode in with the address.
4. I get quite ratty under pressure.

I managed to fill in the form eventually with the help of people on twitter, and googling translations of random words. I have never been so happy to see paypal.
Relieved wasn't the word to describe my after thoughts of the purchase. I have never found Filofax shopping so stressful, and I never thought I would say it.

I even tweeted it!!!!

So I Was happy and went to bed happy with my purchases.

The next morning people were still tweeting about it. I was pleased I did my purchase the night before as I saw one tweet saying the stock had gone down a lot.

Or was it???????????????

No. It wasn't. I still hadn't bought the second Christmas present that I really wanted to buy for. My daughter had been eyeing up my personal songbird, but I couldn't part with it, so as she is 12 years old I thought I must buy her, her first Filofax.
So I went back on............
The stock had diminished from the night before. But the Filofax I had been contemplating buying her was still there. So I added it to the basket. While I was there I added a Special edition zipped purse. With postage at €4.50 up to €25 order I had nothing to lose. If I don't like it I can eBay it.
Paying was less stressful this time as I had created a password the night before so all of my details were still stored. RESULT.
I was more than happy after that purchase.
I can't wait for the arrival of my spends.
Will blog once I receive them.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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